Past Grant Recipients


Celeste Bittoni, PhD
University of Padova
Neural Mechanisms Underlying Female Sexual Responses During Arousal and Orgasm

Ilaria Cellai, PhD
Department of Experimental Clinical and Biomedical Sciences "Mario Serio"
Study of the In Vivo Effects of Sex Hormones Supplementation on Smooth Muscle Relaxation Adenosine (ADO) Mediated in the Distal Vagina in an Animal Experimental Model of Ovariectomy

Kirstin Clephane, MA
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Sex Steroid Dynamics Within Vaginal Fluid During Arousal

Monica Contractor, MD
Loyola University Medical Center
Utilizing Electronic Modules to Educate on Sexual Health During Pregnancy

Raiana dos Anjos Moraes, PhD
University of South Carolina
In Hypertension, Reduced Activation of Piezo1 Channels Attenuates Acetylcholine Release from the Endothelium to Cause Female Pudendal Artery Dysfunction

Alice Girouard, PhD
Dalhousie University
Experiences of Sexual and Gender Diverse Couples Undergoing Psychological Treatment for Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder: A Qualitative Study

Marta Kolbuszewska, MA
University of British Columbia
A Longitudinal Test of the Fear Avoidance Model in PGAD/GPD

Nicole Andrea Munoz
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Optimizing Radiotherapy in Gynecologic Cancers to Preserve Function of Novel Female Genito-Pelvic Sexual Structures

Serena Anna Ravelli, MD
University of Florence
Biochemical Characterization and Psychosexual and Hormonal Correlates of Female Periorgasmic Fluids: A Pilot Observational Study

Halle Young
Chronic Genito-Pelvic Pain and Therapeutic Pursuits


Jaclyn Lanthier, PhD
Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus Patient Education Video Series

Ramzy Burns, MD
Indiana University
A Prospective Study of the Impact of Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Devices on Sexual and Bladder Dysfunction

Julia Bond, MPH and Samantha Schildroth, PhD
Boston University
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Female Sexual Function in a North American Cohort

Eliza Burr
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Assessing sexual function among women receiving medication for opioid use disorder in an obstetrics and gynecological clinic

Brenice Duroseau, MSN, FNP-C, RNC-OB
Johns Hopkins University
SHINE BW Study: Sexual Health, Inclusivity, Nurturance, & Equity (SHINE) Study for Black Women

Trinda Penniston, MSc
Queen's University
A Mixed-Method Exploration of Sexual Pleasure and Pain, and Investigation of Meaningful Measurement Through the Narratives of Black Canadian Women

Negin Mirzaei Damabi, PhD
University of Adelaide
Understanding Healthcare Poviders’ and Consumers’ Perspectives on Sexual Function Among Migrant and Refugee Women in Adelaide, Australia


Allison Altman, MD, IF
Assessing the feasibility of Courage Group therapy for women Veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma

Julie Bloom
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Optimal Combination Therapy for Pelvic Floor and Sexual Function after Pelvic RT: Combination Silicone Vaginal Dilator Use and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Lindsay Cannon
Couples and Sexual Health Research Lab
Evaluating a SAR-type sexual health curriculum for medical student

Sarah Cipriani, MD, PhD
University of Florence
New insights in the role of androgens in human vagina: anti-inflammatory effects against genito-urinary syndrome of menopause

Kirstin Clephane
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Modeling fluid dynamics of androgen absorption during vaginal arousal

Margaret Downes
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Novel functional and anatomic biomarker indices of radiation-induced female sexual toxicities: MR imaging biomarkers ancillary study (STAR*Imaging)

Madeline Huey
University of Colorado
Addressing Sexual Concerns for Breast Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study of a Novel Video-based Intervention

Soumya Kamath
East Carolina University
Characterization of female sexual function in a preclinical model of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Sarah Ponce
Keck School of Medicine of USC
Immunohistochemical Staining for Mast Cells and Nerves in Women with and without Vestibulodynia

Meghan Rossi
University of British Columbia
Sexual health among women with lichen sclerosis and their partners

Rachael Sverdlove
American Medical Program/SSOM at Tel Aviv University
The use of in-office nitrous oxide to aid in diagnosing and differentiating vestibulodynia pathologies and improve patient comfort with pelvic exams


Lydia Chevalier, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.
Meeting the Needs of Young Adult Cancer Survivors: Developing a Sexual Health Screening Checklist

Sarah Cipriani, MD, PhD
Istituto Nazionale Biostrutture e Biosistemi
Fulfilling the Gender Gap in Sexual Medicine: Is Clitoral Vascular Impairment a Harbinger of Cardiovascular Risk in Women with Sexual Dysfunction?

Samantha Levang, MSc
Queen's University
The Application of the Stable-Modifiable Model of Vulnerability and Resilience Processes in the Ovarian Endometriosis Population

Michelle Lim-Watson, MPH, MBA
Mass. College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University
Item Performance and Psychometric Properties of a de novo HRQoL measure for women with HSDD

Molly Maloney
Purdue University
Reducing Risk for Sexual Violence Revictimization Among College Women

Maeve Mulroy
Queen's University
Evaluating the Efficacy of Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Treatments for Management of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder/Genitopelvic Dysesthesia

Bethlehem Peters
East Carolina University
The ability of SDF-1 mRNA to recover sexual arousal after pelvic radiation in female rats


Olivia Adams, BA & Kate Shindle, BS
Indiana University Bloomington
Attitudes towards transgender people among cisgender women who use vaginismus and PCOS-related online forums 

Olivia Giovannetti, MS
Queens University
Self-Report Assessment of Sexual Function After LEEP in Women who Report Negative Outcomes 

Orly Morgan, BA
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Evaluating Patient and Clinician Communication, Experience and Knowledge Preferences about Female Sexual Dysfunction After Radiotherapy for Pelvic Cancers 

Natalie Poliektov, DO, MS & Shae Boguslawski, MS
Emory University School of Medicine
Sex counseling as a treatment for sexual dysfunction in the postpartum patient: a pilot study 

Jennifer Romanello, BS
IntimMedicine Specialists 
Words Matter: A Study of Medical Trauma in Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain

Diane Tomalty, MS
Queen's University
Characterizing the Innervation of Vulvar Vestibule: Implications for the Understanding and Treatment of Provoked Vestibulodynia 

Karen Washington, LMFT
Adler University
Experiences of Living with Autoimmune Disorders and Painful Sex in Ova-Having Bodies 


Anthony Agbeve, BA
University of Cape Coast
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Among Rural Families in Ghana: A Study in Adaklu, Volta Region

Bridget Freihart, MSW
University of Texas-Austin
What is the Role of Couple-Level Sexual Satisfaction in Physiological Synchrony as Measured During Sexual Activity?

Olivia Giovannetti, MS
Queen’s University
Analysis of Female Urogenital Tract Microenvironment Pre- and Post LEEP and Impact on Sexual Dysfunction

Ethan Litman, MD
George Washington University
A Prospective Evaluation of Sexual Dysfunction after Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP)

Michelle Lim-Watson, MPH, MBA
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences University
Development of a Health-Related Quality of Life Instrument for Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Kate Wahl, MSc & Natasha Orr, MSc
University of British Columbia
Pathways for Patient-Centered Diagnosis and Management of Endometriosis-Associated Deep Dyspareunia: A Pilot Randomized Trial


Elizabeth Bottorff, BS
University of Michigan
Vaginal Blood Perfusion Response to Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Lindsey Burleson, BS
East Carolina University
The Impact of High Fat Diet in Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Ariel Handy, BA
University of Texas-Austin
Does Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Mediate the Relationship Between Oral Contraceptive Use and Physiological Sexual Arousal?

Kayla Mooney, MSc
Queen’s University
The Interpersonal Context of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

Mariela Navarez, BA
University of California Regents
Neurobiologic and Psychosocial Factors in Vulvodynia: Implications for Psychological Interventions


Robyn Jackowich, MSc
Queen’s University
An Investigation of Genital Sensitivity, Lubrication, and Blood Flow, Psychosocial, Sexual, and Relationship Functioning in Women with Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)

Chelsea Kilimnik, MS
University of Texas-Austin
A Cognitive Bias Modification Intervention for the Psychological and Sexual Functioning of Women with Childhood Sexual Abuse

Elisa Maseroli, MD
University of Florence-Italy
Study on the Immunomodulatory Effect of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on Rat Vaginal Smooth Muscle Cells

Mathilda Mercier
University of Geneva
Sexual Well-being of Couples After a Cervical Conization: A Prospective Study

Alexandra Millman, MD
University of Toronto
Female Sexual Dysfunction - Awareness and Education Among Resident Physicians

Erin Shumlich, MSc
Western University
An Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills Model of Sexual Consent

Davia Steinberg, MA
Wayne State University
Using a Holistic Lens of Adolescent Sexuality to Understand the Onset of Girls' Sexting


Stéphanie Gauvin
Queen’s Universit
Sexuality Beyond Cancer: A Multi-Methods Investigation of the Sexual Impact of Chemically-Induced Menopause in Survivors of Breast Cancer

Elisa Maseroli, MD
University of Florence-Italy
Study on the Effect of Systemic Treatment with Testosterone on Clitoral Haemodynamic Parameters in Basal Conditions

Allison Polland, MD
Georgetown University
STOMP: Sexual function Trial of Overactive bladder: Medication versus PTNS

Shelby Powers
East Carolina University
The Role of Oxidative Stress in Female Genital Arousal Disorder in an Animal Model of Pelvic Radiation Therapy

Fatima Sharif Mohamed, MD
Maricopa Integrated Health System
Impact of Defibulating Women with Female Genital Cutting (FGC): A Prospective Study on Perceptions and Sexual Function

Vera Trofimenko, MD, MAS
University of Utah
Protocol-Based Collaboration with Reconstructive Spine Surgery, Neurophysiology and Sexual Medicine for Diagnosis and Treatment of Female Neurogenic Sexual Dysfunctions 

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